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In all fields of academic research and technology, TMP Publisher is a singular worldwide publisher for the release of online open-access research contents of the greatest caliber and importance. According to the CC licensing policy listed on each publication’s homepage, open access permits unlimited use and reuse of published content, ensuring accessible to a broad audience. Being an open access publisher, we provide researchers around the world a chance to participate in and stay up to date on current research. International peer-reviewed academic journals with open access, books, theses, dissertations, conference proceedings, abstract books, conference special issues, preprints, etc. are all published by us. We warmly welcome you to peruse our website, regardless of whether you are a scientist, researcher, creative aspirant, or an inspiring teacher.

Our vision

Lead with reputable scientific knowledge sources to advance both humanity and the research community.

Our Mission

An international scholarly publication, TMP provides professionals, institutions, and academics with free and open research materials to help progress knowledge and benefit humanity. Our goal is to develop the available open access on top-tier journals that aid the advancement and application of scientific research. This way, society will be able to generate more knowledge and accelerate innovation for society. Our goal is to adhere to the highest standards of publication and establish ourselves as a reputable source of academic literature by:

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Our dedication lies in upholding publication integrity for the good of humanity while advancing, promoting, and serving the research community.